In the middle of 2012 our hospital for old furniture received a patient—an interesting linen cupboard. The piece of furniture has been with its owners for generations, however it was strongly worn. We promised to help, particularly because it was the last chance for the cupboard before it was going to be entirely destroyed.
As we were starting our renovation works, we did not anticipate, that the linen cupboard was going to stay at our workshop for almost a year. One of the reasons was that it continued to surprise us as we were progressing to subsequent sections. The advanced deterioration of lower parts of the cupboard—legs and the bottom panel—was a great challenge. It was caused by insects which had a predilection for the piece of furniture, both as their place of residence and forage.
Each stage of our works required us to work with reverence for the cupboard which was entrusted to us, while also being careful, considering that we were handing an item which was more than 150-years-old. The fact that there were many missing pieces among brass fittings was another obstacle. We had to prepare relevant forms and find a caster specialising in such small items with numerous details.
The final result surpassed our expectations and, most importantly, it made the owner very happy.